U-Wake 30th April Poetry Session Update


UWAKE met again last Tuesday on the 30th of April. Despite the heavy rains and traffic we had 6 and a Half. The half is Ibrahim (he was a bit busy) as well Caroline, Siobhane, Happy, Beatrice, Rose and Jommu..
The theme was identity. We had three poems under the theme namely, ‘Self Portrait’ by Siobhane, ‘Walk Away’ by Jasper, ‘Red Colored Sand’ by Jommu. With one other poem not of theme titled ‘Sometimes we do the right thing’ by Caroline.

‘Self Portrait’ which we learned was written in haste before the session was beautiful for one who doesn’t consider themselves much of a poet. With links to family and candid eyes that intimately captured three characters. It was received as ‘Beautiful, love the title…”
‘Walk Away’ recited by Ibrahim and later Caroline had the ladies swooning for having a man so apt at expressing himself. Comments ranged from ‘it’s deep…lovely how the main character knows he’s losing to love and later acknowledging they’re being selfish by forcing the loved one to love them back…  fear of rejection was well expressed’

‘Red Colored Sand’ was short and simple with deep meaning. Comments had the common thread that ‘It’s interesting how we get lost in searchg for things outside whilst at the end the answers are within us…’

‘Sometimes we do the right thing’, had comments ‘the way you write it comes off as a prayer…it seems you were needing a conclusion after some soul searching…’

Well that was UWAKE  that beautiful evening. For the  14th May we chose ‘Traffic’ as the theme because most of us were held in traffic and most arrived late….