Franco Juene at Soma Book Cafe

Soma co-creates the peak of a Franco Juene concurs with L ‘Association de la Francophonie pour l’Océan Indien. The Writing Competition in French language took place in Francophone Countries of the Channel of Mozambique, namely Mayotte, Madagascar, Comoros involving secondary schools and collage students. The peak involved a workshop and a public event, attended by among others delegates from The Department of Mayotte Government. Our special guest was the Director of Communication of TIE representing the Director General. Our profound appreciation to all dignitaries and participants, including journalists who did a tremendous job publicizing the event. All in all, the youths stole the show and our hearts! There is more–going forward, Tanzania and Kenya are joining the competition but not alone. They are taking Kiswahili with them. That means, from 2020 on the competition will be conducted in French and Kiswahili.